Your Financial Sidekick: When to Hire a Bookkeeper

Jan 07, 2024

Hello beautiful creative business owners.

If you're like me, you love color. Creating. People. Concepts. Teaching. Writing. But math just might not be your strong suit.

I have made friends with any number with a dollar sign before it ($$$) and it's important to always have a good grasp on your numbers. But my time is far too valuable to reconcile accounts or put purchases into categories. Bookkeeping is something I can easily outsource while still keeping a good grasp on how much money is coming in, how much is going out, and how much I'm paying for my team.

There are so many numbers to track!

  • Opt-ins
  • Sales
  • Facebook impressions
  • Ad spend
  • Cost of programs
  • Cost of software
  • Upsells
  • Downsells

And as a savvy business owner, I absolutely watch these numbers.

But handling all the nitty-gritty details? No thanks!

So when is it the right time to hire a bookkeeper? 
Here are some warning signs to pay attention to!

  • Your revenue is increasing and you can’t keep up with all of the data!
  • You’re overwhelmed and know that your time is best spent on other things. 
  • You’re behind on your taxes.
  • You want to expand and grow— but you need someone to help you analyze your profit and loss to make the best decisions.

Can you manage your own books? For sure. At first. But if you want a healthy, thriving business, you better get a financial wizard on your side! (Especially someone who understands business— not just math.)

What Does a Bookkeeper Do?

Think of a bookkeeper as your trusty financial sidekick. They're the ones juggling all those financial records, making sure your income, expenses, and all the nitty-gritty details are in tip-top shape. By doing this, they basically hand you the keys to informed decisions, financial insights, and a hassle-free ride through regulatory hoops.

The Benefits of Having a Bookkeeper on Your Team

Imagine a world where your financial records are as organized as a perfectly curated playlist. That's what a bookkeeper brings to the table!

  1. Time and Money Saver: With a bookkeeper in the mix, you're saving precious time. Plus, their financial ninja skills can help spot opportunities to save money and ensure your resources are wisely spent.

  2. Accuracy and Compliance Guru: Bookkeepers are like Sherlock Holmes for financial rules. They pay attention to the details, reducing the chance of errors, and keep your business on the right side of tax laws and regulations.

  3. Strategic Business Buddy: Armed with accurate financial info, you're not just making decisions—you're making smart decisions. Your bookkeeper can guide you on what's making bank and where you might want to cut some costs.

Different Types of Bookkeepers for Different Vibes

Bookkeepers aren't one-size-fits-all. They come in different flavors:

  1. Full-time vs. Part-time: Depending on your business size and needs, you can go all-in with a full-time bookkeeper or keep it chill with a part-time arrangement.

  2. Specialists in the House: Bookkeepers often have superpowers in specific areas like payroll or accounts. Picking one with the right skills for your business needs? That's the way to go.

Getting Your Bookkeeper Onboard and Rocking It

Ready to welcome your financial hero? Here's the lowdown on making it a smooth ride:

  1. Create a Contract: Start with a laid-back contract that spells out what's what. It's the foundation for a trusting transparent partnership.

  2. Set Expectations: Keep the lines of communication open. Decide about how often you'll be in touch, deadlines, and anything else that will make your working relationship a breeze.

  3. Share the Financial Love: To let your bookkeeper work their magic, you'll want to hand them the keys to essential financial records like bank statements and invoices. It's like giving them the backstage pass to your business gig.

So, in a nutshell, a bookkeeper is not just a record-keeper, but a partner in your business adventure. Think of them as an investment in your business’s future, not just another expense.

If you’re wondering, “Is it time for a bookkeeper?” It probably is! Don’t wait until you are so behind that you have to pay thousands of dollars in catch-up fees! Better to start out on the right foot so your business can be strong and healthy. 

Most bookkeepers charge based on the amount of transactions, so your bookkeeping hours can grow WITH your business!

Here’s to financial success and smooth sailing!



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