Make money from home with just a phone and a laptop

(Even if you homeschool)

With a Virtual Assistant business, you can:

✓ Get clients who love and appreciate what you do for them

✓ Confidently set your prices and charge what you are worth

✓ Get certified as a VA and listed on the VA Directory so you can fill up your hours quickly! 


... WITHOUT an expensive degree and WITHOUT bugging friends and family to buy from you!

Lose That Stubborn Weight,
Get Over Those Mood Swings
& Take Charge of Your Life...
... WITHOUT Falling for The Same Old Ways That Bring NO RESULTS?

Don't let your desire to be home with your family stop you from having a successful business.

You can have both!

Would you like to:

➔ Make money from your laptop and phone?

➔ Make recurring income without constantly chasing down clients?

➔ And use your techy skills to help your clients?

If you answered YES, then you're in the right place!

I'm Jen Hickle and I've been working from home while homeschooling for over 20 years. 

I love geeking out about all things business, marketing, and technology, and I LOVE helping people succeed in business.

Now that my kids are all graduating and starting their own families, I've dedicated my life to helping other moms make money from home with a Virtual Assistant business! That's why I started the VA Academy. And I'm so glad you're here!

You might be thinking:
Is it possible to make legit money with just a laptop and phone?


Yes! It is! In fact, VAs are in demand. Here's why:

Creative/visionary business owners are really good at starting things. They are amazing at dreaming big, coming up with ideas, and selling their services.

But they often need to hire a VA to help them manage all of the details, the constant stream of data, and to keep up with their marketing. 

You just need 5-10 hours a week to learn the valuable skills that business owners will pay for. Follow the roadmap and complete the challenges and you'll learn how to attract the right clients who will pay you for years to come. 

This course is different than others out there.
That's because we designed it more like homeschooling curriculum. 
It's 100% self-paced, and you can choose the assignments that you complete,
but you're not alone.
You get live support and feedback as you go.
Our team is always available to answer any questions you have along the way!
(Of course we love to help! We're VAs!)

What's included in the VA Academy:

Private coaching

Get 3 private coaching  calls to give you direction and guidance, based on your strengths and personality.

Swipe files

Get templates and sales scripts to use! Everything from the services you offer to what to say to prospective clients when they contact you.

24/7 Support

Our team members and veteran VAs are ready to support and help as you build your VA business and serve your clients. 

The Roadmap

You don't have to hope you're learning the right skills or setting up your business correctly. Follow the steps in the program and you'll learn VA skills AND how to get clients!

All Self-Paced

Work at your own pace. You're in charge and you don't have to neglect your family or other obligations in the process.

No pushy sales

We'll show you how to get the word out about your business and how to find clients. You don't have to be annoying, pushy, or salesy to find clients!

Why a VA business is better than selling MLM products: 

Selling with an MLM:

➔ No matter how they slice and dice it, you work for the company that you represent.

You don't get to set the prices. If the company changes the product or the prices, you have no control over it.

➔ Your network of friends and family may already be saturated by others selling the same thing. That's awkward.

➔ The compensation plan is tiered so whoever gets in earliest will be successful, but you may never reap the rewards after years of effort (while those at the top do).

➔ You have to force yourself to be more extroverted than you want to. It's exhausting if you'd rather work behind a computer than put yourself out there in a big way.

Growing a VA business:

➔ You are completely in control of which services you offer and  how much you charge! 

➔ You only need 3-4 clients to make $4,000 - $5,000 a month! No need to keep selling.

 ➔ You're selling your time, not products. Time is a renewable commodity. As you grow, you can delegate work to your grown kids or other VAs to multiply your time and expand your company.

➔ As your experience and expertise grows, you can raise your rates and offer more options to your clients. You're always in control.

3 common MYTHS that
may keep you  from starting a VA business:

"To be successful, my kids and my marriage will suffer."

As a 1099 contractor, YOU are in control of your schedule and your hours. Your kids, your marriage, and your family can still come first! You can set your work hours around when they need you most.

You can tell your clients when you are working and will a project will be completed. They are not your boss- you own your own company. 

"I'll have to become a workaholic to make good money!"

Working hard isn't the solution to business success. Working strategically with a proven plan is key.
You don't know what you don't know. That's why working with a business coach is so important. You'll learn the pitfalls to avoid, the steps to take, and get the shortcut to where you should spend your time. You don't have to do all the research yourself and lose years to learning. Start earning more quickly when a coach is guiding you.

"I'll have to be pushy and salesy to make any good money. And I hate doing that!"

You don't have to be annoying to find clients as a VA! If you show up authentically and are willing to help and serve business owners, the right people (who need you!) will find you. 

Imagine what it will feel like to make recurring monthly income as a successful Virtual Assistant:

  • Your stress will go down when that there is extra financial cushioning in your bank account.
  • Your energy levels will go UP as you feed your geeky brain and dive into learning new skills!
  • You'll enjoy deeper friendships as you connect with other Christian women who are family-focused too.
  • You will love learning new tools and technology! It's so much fun!
  • Your confidence and self-esteem will soar as you realize that you can help your clients AND improve your family's financial situation!


What would it be worth to you to own a profitable VA business, love what you do, and get to experience joyful clients who appreciate you??

Here's what it's meant to others...

Arely Salgado

"I love, love, love being part of the VA Academy! 10/10 recommend if you’re looking for a way to generate income while still being able to be present for your family!”


Madeline Hickle

“I never thought I would enjoy what I do for work. I always thought I had to put my head down and do a 9-5 office job. Now I can be at home with my baby and do what I love for work. It’s a dream come true to get paid to do what I am passionate about. It doesn’t feel like I’m working when I’m creating & brainstorming ideas."


Kelly Brown

“I can’t say enough great things about the VA Academy! The way the trainings give you action items that are useful in helping you build necessities and systems for your business is pure genius! The support is unmatched. Like a family and cheerleaders all wrapped into one. So blessed to have found Jen & the Academy!”


Sarah Cook

“I am so grateful for the VA Academy. I feel empowered and equipped to use my new skills and shine more in existing ones! Everyone is full of grace and patience. Very knowledgeable with tech stuff.  I already have passed along the info to other women that are in financial strains and who don't want to work outside the home.”

After just a few months in the VA Academy, you will: 

  • Confidently own a VA business that is set up legal and profitable, wherever you live.
  • Work when you want to! Set your own hours around your family's needs.
  • Serve clients who gratefully shower you with praise because YOU are an answer to prayer for them!
  • Be more available for your family. No need to "go" to work and peel crying kids off of your leg.
  • Have the freedom to work from anywhere! Home, outside, the library, on the road, or in the car!

Let's take a look at what's inside the Academy:

Module 1:

Set up marketing for your VA business

This training is an overview so you know exactly what you'll need to get new clients for your VA business.

Module 2:

How to start your VA business legally

How to register your business with your state (or province), set up payments for taxes, and determine if you need business insurance.

Module 3:

VA panel: FAQs

Favorite methods of communication with clients, how to invoice for your hours if the project goes over the budgeted time, when to charge a flat rate for services, and how to deal with difficult clients, all answered by other veteran VAs.

Module 4:

How to help clients who have a million ideas

How to help your clients map out a plan, stay on track, how to set up boundaries, and how to be a safe place for them to confide in.

Module 5:

Don't sell yourself! Sell your value.

How to promote your value, solve problems, and serve your clients best. How to focus on serving, not selling. 

Module 6:

How to choose a business name

How to select a business name that reflects who you are, what you do, and is attractive to your clients. Learn how to choose a name that can morph and change with your business.

Module 7:

How to set up a domain for your website and a matching email address

We make the complicated simple. Learn the exact steps to get up and running quickly-- and pass the knowledge on to clients when they need the same help!

Module 8:

How to sell your services

The exact phone scripts to use so you don't feel salesy when talking to a new client, fill-in-the-blank email templates for writing proposals and contracts, and how to follow up without being annoying.

The VA Academy course is $1500.

Here's what you get:

  • 3 private coaching calls to help you map out your business.
  • Email support with our helpful team members.
  • Live group Zoom calls- come when you can or watch the recording!
  • 24/7 support in our encouraging Facebook group, including help from veteran VAs who love helping out!
  • On-demand learning-- watch the video curriculum and go at your own pace!
  • Earn a listing on our VA Directory so clients can find you!
  • Earn a certification to verify your skills and earn the trust of your clients.
  • Get access to advanced curriculum after you're certified! (SEO, web development, Google Ads and Facebook Ads.)
  • Encouraging motivation EVERY step of the way! 

Enrollment opens up 
August 21-22, 2024!

Don't miss out. Get on the waiting list and we'll let you know when we are open for new students!

Get on the Waiting List!

What our members are saying:

This is for you if...

  • You love learning new things and solving problems!
  • You love helping people.
  • You trust God with your life, and don't want to "hustle and grind,"
    like other coaches recommend.
  • You don't want to sell products to friends and family.
  • You don't want to reach out to high school friends,
    hoping they will order products from you.
  • You LOVE tackling a challenge!

Get a sample of the VA Academy with the Mini Course! Available while you wait for the full course to open.

YES! This is me!

The VA Academy opens for enrollment a few times a year. Get more info and be the first to know when the doors open again!