Get organized with a VA!

Feb 18, 2024

In the fast-paced world of business, leveraging a virtual assistant can be a game-changer.

However, you can't just hire and throw tasks at the VA and then ghost them.

There are some essential elements to make this partnership successful!

Here are some tips (from years of experience!) to help your VA help YOU get more organized!  

1. Time Management: The Heartbeat of Efficiency

The first rule of the virtual assistant game is mastering time management.
Here's how you can make the clock work in your favor:

  • Set Deadlines: Clearly defined deadlines help create a sense of urgency and keep tasks on track. Whether it's a project milestone or recurring daily work, deadlines set the rhythm for productivity.

  • Prioritize: Make sure your VA knows what is priority and when you want things completed!
  • Track Progress: Utilize tools and strategies to monitor the progress of tasks. Weekly check-ins and updates ensure that everything is moving according to plan. Always allow extra time for adjustments, too!

  • Provide Support: Your virtual assistant is an extension of you! Be available to clarify, offer guidance, and take time to collaborate. Encourage open communication. (The time you take in the beginning will pay off for years to come!)

2. Task Delegation: The Art of Sharing the Load

Delegating tasks is an art form that can make or break your virtual assistant relationship.

It’s HARD to let go. Your business is your baby and it can be hard to believe (or trust) that anyone can do it as well as you can.

Here's your guide to help you let go (slowly):

  • Set Expectations: Clearly communicate your expectations for each task. Provide detailed instructions, share project goals, and discuss any specific requirements to ensure your VA understands what you need. (When they ask for clarification, speak up! Take the time to think things through and give clear guidelines.)

  • Provide Feedback: Regular feedback is the secret sauce to improvement. Acknowledge accomplishments, address any issues promptly, and create a feedback loop that promotes continuous growth and alignment with your business goals.

  • Get Organized: Organization is the backbone of effective task delegation. You can use,,, shared Google calendars, or communication platforms such as Slack to ensure that everyone is on the same page. 

3. Tools and Resources: Building the Toolbox

To have successful collaboration with your VA, having the right tools is crucial.

Here's how to build your virtual toolbox:

  • Find the Right Platform: Choose a platform that aligns with your communication preferences and provides the necessary features for task management. Whether it's email, project management software, or collaboration platforms, find what works best for you. (And your VA can share their favorite tools, too! You don’t have to find all the tools before you hire a VA. Your VA can help you research which ones are best!)

  • Set Up a Payment Plan: Streamline the financial aspect by setting up a secure and efficient payment system. How often should they invoice you? How often will you pay the invoices? Being upfront about this will make things less awkward later! (We highly suggest hiring your VA on a retainer so you can both budget your expectations.)

  • Get Organized: Organization extends beyond task delegation. It includes managing data, images, documents, and communication channels. Utilize Dropbox and Google Drive to share easily with each other! Use your VA to get organized— they love setting this stuff up!

We believe that every leader, entrepreneur, or CEO should stay in their unique strengths (and this includes leadership, brainstorming, problem solving, creating, speaking, and doing the work of the business).

Virtual Assistants come alongside these visionaries with their strengths (organization, filing, managing, communicating, systematizing) and as they shine, YOUR business benefits! 

If you have big dreams and lofty goals, you need systems and team members to help you get there! The only way to scale is to share the load.

VAs love to geek out about systems and organization. Don’t wait until everything is perfect before you hire. Find the right person and build the systems together!

I guarantee you’ll thank me!

If you need a personal recommendation for a VA (or 2 or 3!) to help build your dream, let me know! I’m happy to help. 


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